FIB or Purebred - Distinguishing on Pedigrees

To assist with members being able to distinguish FIB from Purebred Highlands, the AHCS online database has included a field called “Grade:”, to which is assigned the following letters:
*   F   for FIB (Highlands of Fully Imported Bloodlines)
*   C   for Grade-C (first cross Highland females)
*   B   for Grade-B (second cross Highland females)
*   A   for Grade-A (third cross Highland females)
*   P   for Purebred (fourth cross and greater Highlands)

AHCS Online Database Pedigrees

Grade-A AHCS Online Database Pedigree

Pedigree – Grade A – Graded up female – this animal had a Galloway as it’s foundation breed.


Pedigree – Grade P – This animal is purebred as it has 2 “Foundation Highlands” in its pedigree if you go back far enough.

Grade-P AHCS Online Database Pedigree

AHCS hard copy pedigree for the same FIB Highland.
(Note that every animal on the hard copy pedigree has an “(F)” at the end of it’s name)

FIB – Pedigree – Grade F – this animal traces back to UK (Scottish) animals in all paths on her pedigree, with no Appendix animals present, and no other breeds knowingly in her pedigree.

Grade-F AHCS Online Database Pedigree